Monday, August 29, 2011


Good afternoon team,
Gosh, I am having some real troubles selecting a Journal to submit my paper. As an undergraduate, I feel that most middle-of-the-pack papers will probably not take me seriously. I understand that, so it doesn't bother me, I just wish I knew how to find journals that will be willing to hear what I have to say. The only journal I have found that encourages undergraduates to submit is the THURJ. I know that THURJ is a reasonable place to submit, but I had higher hopes than that when I formulated this experiment.
I have tried search engines on the internet and reading journals' web pages but haven't found one suitable yet. I finally decided that I should just ask my mentor, Ola Fincke, what she thinks on the matter. I sent her an email this morning and shes is usually really quick to reply, so I'm sure I'll have a better idea by class tomorrow. If not, I'll just bring in the THURJ information.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Why hello there,
I figure now is as good of time as any to describe the events leading to my involvement in this class. I was working on my Honors Project under Dr Fincke. She has been working with polymorphism in damselflies for the past several years at the University of Michigan Biological Station. I had Dr Fincke as my Evolution TA as a sophomore. One day she said she was looking for a field assistant, and the next day I was in her office. I had never been to a Bio-station before, but it sounded like the kind of place I just had to check out.
The summer at UMBS was one of the most entertaining summers of my life. Working during the day, swimming in the afternoon and singing karaoke every night just seemed like an awesome way to live ones life.
At the end of the summer, Dr Fincke suggested that I spend the following summer working on my Honors Project with her help. Unfortunately, this meant I was to be on Sugar Island instead of at UMBS, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up on.
After a few months of planning, we came up with a pretty nifty experiment. A short time later I was on Sugar Island doing my first independent project.

I'll get into the experiment itself tomorrow.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Howdy there,

I created my first quiz today. I'm one of the undergraduate TAs for ZOO 3013, and part of the responsibility of the job is to create the in class quizzes. There are only three questions per quiz, but it took me nearly two hours to finalize the questions! I never knew how much work creating a few multiple choice questions could be.
The hardest part was coming up with the wrong answers. Trying to think of something that someone who has not done the reading might assume was correct, while still insuring that it was wrong is more difficult that one might think. I feel like writing questions is a good way to study the material. In fact, I might just try that next time I'm studying for an exam.
After I finish this blog, I intend to start working on my CV. I haven't updated my CV in 2 years, so I'm assuming it will be difficult. Mainly because I have done most of my CV worthy things in that time. My next blog will probably focus on how I climbed this CV mountain.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Greetings fellow Bio-nerds!

This is my first ever attempt at Blogging, in fact, this is my first experience with Blogs ever. I've never written, or knowingly read, a Blog in my life. The reason I say this is to inform you that I'm unaware of the proper style, jargon, and format, so bear with me if I come across as a Blogging rookie. Heck, I'm not even sure if I should capitalize Blog.

Well, the first day of school was Monday. I was actually really excited for school to start this year (I must be a nerd.) I felt this way mainly because I missed Norman; more specifically, I missed my day-to-day routine.

I spent the summer on Sugar Island, Michigan at the Chase Osborn Nature Preserve. This seemingly random summer destination was selected because the University of Michigan Biological Station has a satellite station on the Nature Preserve. I was there to work on my Honors Project, but more on that in the future.

I suppose I should say a little about myself, seeing as how this is my first Blog ever. (That what you're supposed to do, right?) I'm a Senior Zoology major originating out of Carlsbad, New Mexico. I'm a huge football fan, almost to the point of a problem. College, NFL, Fantasy; you name it, I like it. I feel that my football addiction was a major factor in wanting school to start. School leads to football, therefore school is good.