Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Howdy Y'all,
Well, the long weekend is over. It was fun while it lasted, but if it lasted much longer I would probably not enjoy it as much. Labor Day is a nifty holiday. I understand it is to support and honor the work force and the unions who fought for the workers' rights, but its still so abstract to me. Maybe that's because I have never been a real member of the work force, or maybe its because in my mind Labor Day is synonymous not wearing white pants. Either way, I wish the holiday was more important to me, but its not. Does that make me a bad liberal? Maybe, but at least I'm not phony.
The evolution class took their first quiz today. Only one of the questions I wrote made it on to the quiz, but it was still a proud moment for me. Only 59 percent of the class answered it correctly. I'm not sure if that makes me proud for creating a hard question, or feel guilty because I made the question too hard. I'll probably make the next batch of questions slightly easier to see what my emotional response is to a higher correct response rate. After that I'll know for sure what kind of questions make me feel the best, and will make all of them like that in the future. (if any professors of mine are reading this... I'm SURE it will be the very easy questions. Lets aim for that on my next tests.)

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