Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nobody worry, I'm a Ninja

Dear mortals,
So I must have made some kind of clear mistake by not posting this much earlier in the year. How can I expect you people to know who I really am if I've never told you this story? That's my bad and I apologize for not letting you guys know that you have class with a ninja.
Well, two summers ago, when I was at the University of Michigan Biological Station, there was a guy there who was a real life ninja. His name is Lance and he is (or at least was) the president of the Ball State Martial Arts Society. He is a pretty small guy, I probably have 50 pounds and 6 inches on the dude, but none-the-less, he is a legitimate ninja. So one night, a few of the other guys wanted to go down to the sandy part of the beach and wrestle. We all tagged along and got a kick out of how bad both of the dudes were at wrestling. When they were done, Lance challenged me. Well, I have no experience at wrestling and the guy is a ninja so I was a little worried. But I'm so much bigger than Lance that I figured I could take him. So right when we started, I just rushed him with a good old fashion football tackle. Being that he was so small, I laid him out and quickly flipped him around and had him in a head lock from behind in just a few seconds. Therefore, I beat a ninja a fighting! I'm pretty sure that if you beat a ninja, you take their ninja statues, right? That means I'm a ninja and awesome. Nobody has to worry about deadly ninja attacks while you're in class anymore because you have an ace ninja in the room to prevent it from happening in the first place. Doesn't that make all of you feel more safe? You're welcome.


Something horrible happened this weekend,
So my fish Dwayne and I went to Wichita Falls, Texas for Thanksgiving. I have an aunt that lives there, and it is pretty centrally located for my family, so we decided it would be the most convenient place to meet up. It was a good time. We did all the normal Thanksgiving stuff; turkey, football and trash talking. But on top of that, my cousins were in charge of feeding the next door neighbors cats. Well, I'm not sure if that's true or not, but somehow we ended up going over to the next door neighbors house and playing with the cats. The strange thing is these cats were hairless. You know how on Austin Powers the hairless cat is kinda cute in a strange way? Well, this was not the case for these demon felines. Their skin was funny colors and they were just plain ugly. I don't know why anyone would want one of these monsters, but I guess some people do. It was strange and confirmed my dislike of the entirety of all domesticated cats.
Here comes the worst part. I had to leave Friday night so that I could be home for the football game on Saturday morning. I left pretty late, so I just wanted to get home and go to bed. Well a little ways down the road, my mom called me and told me that I forgot Dwayne! It was too late to turn around, so Dwayne was abandoned. My parents took him home to New Mexico where he will live for the next month. Its tragic. I hope he likes New Mexico and my parents are able to keep him alive till I get home. Good luck Dwayne. :(

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The internet is creepy

Hi nerds,
So my parents have been looking at houses in Albuquerque for the past few days. They found one that they liked and sent me the address. I googled the address and found an online listing for the house. After taking the virtual tour, I felt like I had actually been there. I gave my parents my opinions about the house and took dibs on a bedroom. After that, I Google mapped the house. Saw the neighborhood and its area. Its pretty close to one of the high schools in the area, so its walking distance for my mom if she works there. I then noticed that the neighbors had a trampoline and a slide, so assumed they must have elementary school aged kids. I found a link from the houses listing page to an elementary school in the area. They showed that their is a bus stop right in front of the neighbors house. Then I was able to look at average per square foot prices for houses in the area. That lead me to a website by the guy who was developing the whole neighborhood.
The whole internet detective thing was pretty nifty, but it freaked me out how much I could learn in such a short amount of time. Its kinda freaky what all is on the internet, and to think that bad people who aren't using the internet for innocent curiosity could do the same things. If I could do all that so quickly with practically no effort, someone who knew what they were doing could find out things about a house or person that they could use to do bad things. The internet might be as creepy as people say it is.

Folks moving

Hi there,
So after several months of uncertainty, it appears that my parents going to move. They have been in Carlsbad, New Mexico for 12 years now, but have always wanted to move to a bigger city. My dad's business has extended quite a bit over the past few years, and that meant he was traveling more lately. He has been spending at least a day each week in Albuquerque over the past few months, so he decided that it would be in the best interest of the company if he just relocated there. My mom is a fan of the idea, except for the whole having to find a new job in Albuquerque. Its looking like she will be able to find a high school in ABQ where she can do the same thing she does now. So it sure looks like they will be moving up there sometime before Christmas.
I'm pretty excited because Albuquerque is a nifty city. Its closer to snowboarding and has a whole bunch of fun outdoor stuff in the area. Not to mention it has actual restaurants. Not that I didn't like Carlsbad, it is pretty cool in its own way, but Albuquerque is just a better city for my folks and will mean my dad doesn't have to travel as much.

Monday, November 7, 2011

New Scar

Hi nerds,
So at this random Zoo party I was at the other night, people were making jokes about the way I say S'mores. I know the delicious treat is a contraction of the words some and more, but i like to add an H in there to pronounce it Shmores. Well, because of this relentless personal attack, we decided the only logical thing to do was to buy the things we needed for S'mores and make some. We started a little fire in the back yard. Turns out, if you are the only sober one at a party, that automatically means you are in charge of making the fire. Probably not a bad idea, but I would have rather played with the taranchula more, but in the interest of safety I got to work on the fire. There wasn't any firewood, so we used the next best thing, a chunk of fence that had fallen down in their backyard. I broke the fence up into little manageable pieces and stated the fire. I then got to work on making myself a S'more. While I was toasting my delicious treat, one of the other people around the fire decided to be a freaking genius and tossed a piece of wood into the fire. That shot embers up into the air and one hit me right in the side of the face. It hurt, but not really bad. Just enough to make me furious but not angry enough to punch a grad student in the face. I went to the bathroom and saw a little mark on my face. I don't think it will scar, cuz it is pretty small and didn't burn anything past the very top layer of my skin. It is scabbing over, but I think that's a good sign. I find if funny in a weird sort of way that of all the dumb people being dumb around a fire, the one who was being the most careful was the one injured. O well. Worse things have happened.

Zoo Party

Hi there,
So I went to the strangest get-together that I might have ever gone to before in all my days. I worked with this girl named Emily a few summers ago at the Biostation in Michigan. She now is a graduate student her at OU and we hang out pretty much every weekend. Well, this last weekend I went to her house for what she called, "a Zoo party." Well, turns out, if you get a bunch of Bio-nerds together in Norman, they throw the weirdest parties ever. Thankfully, I was driving that night so I was able to watch everyone and make mental notes of all the crazy stuff that happened. The first thing I noticed when I got to the party was a few professors were there. I've been to my share of parties with professors, but never have I been to one here in Norman. They are always at a Biostation or something like that.
Second funny thing I noticed was that some people took the concept of Zoo party seriously. I think most people just thought it was a bunch of Bio-nerds, but some actually thought that they should bring their pets. There were a few dogs running around, but the weird thing was the taranchula. It turned into a photo opportunity because before you knew it, everyone was holding the spider and taking each others picture. I got a kick out of my girlfriend holding it because she hates anything that could be mistaken for a bug.